
Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Snow

It snowed yesterday - a couple of inches of the wet stuff. I ran out to take a few pictures so I'd have something a little more current than the ones I posted earlier in the month. Most of the previous snow had melted leaving things a little dingy, so this freshening was welcome. I live at the end of a cul-de-sac that backs up on a wooded hill. This is my view from several windows. The camera thankfully cuts out the four-plex to the left and falling down fence to the next property on the right. I've gotten pretty good at putting on my blinders to enjoy the view.

A little more fell last night. I can walk around the hill through a small field this time of year which allows me to walk the dog without a leash. There was so much to drink in along our route and I realized I should have brought the camera. What the heck...when we got back, I grabbed it and we retraced our steps so I could capture images I know my brain will soon forget, no matter how hard I try to sear them into memory. A fitting way to end the year. Happy New Year to all!

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