
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Goals for Week of Feb 13th

I have a rather ambitious set of goals planned for the week, probably because I was so all over the map last week. I think I'm trying to shock myself back into productivity along the artistic front. I have scary things to tend to in the next 4 weeks and I'd rather run back to the safety of what I know. Each foray into the studio finds me "circling" several ideas and hesitant to take the big step into the unknown. Honestly, if just quit balking and take that first step, I'm always fine. Well, here's what I really need to do this week, like it or not:
  1. Make decisions and fill out paperwork on entries for two WI shows.
  2. Work on designs for Changing Perspectives entry. This includes photo manipulation in Corel Paint Shop Pro, a program I am still learning, and printing on fabric. Then some sketching. I played around a bit yesterday with a couple of my birch tree photos and am making progress.
  3. Experiment with adhesives for gluing foil to fabric. This is for an idea for using candy foil without an overlay. Yesterday I tried two different glues which did not work. A little research on the internet today provided me with a couple of other choices which I will have to track down. The adhesive needs to be something I can stitch through and that doesn't require heat from an iron. Any ideas?
  4. Finish the hand quilting on the current corner square of the Lone Star Quilt. I got quite a bit done last week, the Olympics providing me with a reason to come down earlier for dinner, then sit and stitch.

1 comment:

  1. I always spend at least a week balking and fretting before I can get started with a new project or sometimes even take the next step with an existing project. What am I so worried about?

    Hey, send me an email - I don't have your email addy on the new computer yet.
