
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Very Big Brag

Back in April, I shared with you a small brag - a quilt that had won a blue ribbon at a local quilt show. It was a small brag, not because there wasn't much competition, but more because this show does not draw the truly fabulous top names that a show like Houston or AQS does.

But now I feel I have reason to truly brag. Some of you already know this but for those who haven't heard, one of the quilts I entered in the Small Works II juried show was accepted! Ok, calm down, I thought. Yes, this is a big deal to you, but you have no idea how many entries were considered and how many were ultimately chosen. Then I found out: 275 total entries, 28 spots. This was definitely the affirmation I needed. I have always felt "June! June! Strawberry Moon" was a strong piece, and indicative of the direction I want to go with my work. I'm so glad I made the effort to get it finished out and entry sent off in time.

Ah, but fame does not come without a price! Now I need to submit not only an artist statement, but a bio, a resume and a high resolution jpg. Ok, I admit there was a moment of panic. I haven't even put the sleeve and label on this yet. The artist statement has been knocking around in my head for awhile so that's no big deal. I have several versions of a bio on file, but it hadn't been updated for 2 years, and my how my emphasis has changed since the last revision. Well, that really is good practice to think about who you are, where you've been and where you're going, so I spent an afternoon soul searching and tweaking. I found it a bit unnerving to see my most recent incarnation in print - may have to live up to it after all!

The real panic was over that resume. At first I was thinking I'd have to start from scratch and just what did they expect included?. I'd studied Lisa Call's website when she revamped it not long ago and was impressed with the way she presented all that personal and professional information, so went back to it to review. Ah, I realized I in fact do have the beginnings of a resume...I just never thought to call it that. So sometime in the next few weeks, I'll be spiffying up my professional packet.

I wish I could go see the exhibit, attend the opening reception, experience what it is like to have work hung in a gallery, but alas, all my travel dollars are tied up in my very quickly approaching house hunting trip to Idaho. If any of you are in the area in August (Small Works II is being held in conjunction with Lowell Quilt Festival), please go view my little work and let me know how it stands up to the competition!

Ayer Lofts Art Gallery
TELEPHONE : 978 970-3556

1 comment:

  1. A great but huge congrats on this acceptance! I'll be Maine while the show is up and I'll check it out.

    I hope you are having luck house hunting in Idaho!
