
Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's Official!

We are doing a very happy dance here, and it has nothing to do with quilts. The call I've been waiting for for nearly three weeks, the one that would determine whether or not I'd get the perfect (well, nearly perfect) rental in Sandpoint finally came yesterday, and the outcome was positive. The three "P's" - patience, persistence and yes, a lot of prayer - have won out. I have a place to live and I'm movin' to Idaho!

Now I can confess that the pictures taken from the bike trail were views surrounding my new abode (see this post). The picture above is looking from the bike trail towards the property I'll be living on. Click on the picture for a larger view. The house is nestled in those tall trees to the right and the lake is beyond that. The picture below is a stitched version of a panned view looking the opposite direction, or what I would see from the driveway. As you can see, I won't exactly have any close neighbors, although Sandpoint is only one mile to the east and the tiny town (under 400) of Dover is a mile in the opposite direction. If I can't create art here, then I'm in big trouble!

The rental is on "shared" property, so the outbuildings in the picture below and the house further down the driveway belong to my landlord, who does not live there full time. Jesse and I will have new purpose to our daily walks as our rental has been termed "the caretaker house" (hidden in the trees on the left) and we are to keep an eye on the place. Not unlike what we already do in our neighborhood, but now it will be with some authority.

I anticipate being freed up a bit because I will no longer have to watch Jesse's every move when I let her out like I do now with no fenced yard. Here is where she will be spending her "free time" when she wants to be outside and I don't. The back yard is fairly large, completely fenced and has a view of the road and bike trail to entertain her.

The house has just enough quirkiness to it to be appealing, and has three large bedrooms, one of which has terrific light and no doubt will become my studio. I'll have yardwork to do, which I haven't had to deal with for years, but I'm willing to make the tradeoff for such a beautiful setting. The current renters tell me there's a lilac bush, a few roses, day lilies, peonies, daffodils...All the flowering things that I love, so it should be a pleasure to tend them. At least, that's the thinking right now!

Here are a couple more views I can't resist sharing. This is from the bike trail again, shot toward the driveway looking west. Yes, that's a 2-lane highway I'm sitting next to and it does have quite a bit of traffic but again, I'm hoping that all the positives of this place will overshadow the few negatives, and the current renters shrugged it off saying, "Oh, you get used to it and you don't really hear it in the back of the house where the bedrooms are." Hope they're right.

And here is a shot looking down the driveway out to the highway.

And finally, a similar angle, but taken last fall - a taste of what I have to look forward to in a few months.


  1. Whoohoo! You'll be about 2 hours up the road from me, with a couple of excellent quilt shops in between. Congratulations on finding the perfect place! I know how much you've been looking forward to this move!

  2. It looks idyllic, Sheila. Congratulations on finding such a lovely home.

  3. Sheila, your house looks absolutely perfect! You must be thrilled, I hope you do lots of creating in your studio! Your blog name is perfect now too!

  4. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Oh Sheila, very nice!!


  5. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Sheila, it's wonderful! The landscape is so lyrical, and the little house nestled under the trees -- you bet it's conducive to art!

  6. Sheila- hope it is everything you wish for and that it stimulates your creativity- that you enjoy those lovely views and enjoy many lovely walks with Jessy!

  7. Gorgeous, just gorgeous! So glad it's working out for you.

  8. Incredible!!! Congratulations!

  9. Congratulations, it looks a lovely place and I'm sure you'll be really happy x
