
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Moving In Day

Here's that big truck with my stuff - it found me! And all my things were just fine. In fact at one point, I accused the movers of unloading more than just my boxes. Ah, my life still reduced to boxes...

Somewhere in there is a box with my old faithful sewing machine in it. If all else fails, there's my newer machine in its original box.

To the right is the picture window with a view - will get a better shot of it later.

In the midst of conducting traffic, I hear the landlady calling me. She's brought me a small bounty from her garden, plus some chocolate zucchini cake. I also discover there are two kinds of plums trees on my property.

Before the movers arrived, I got a chance to walk a bit and take pictures. This view is taken with my back to the lake. That blue-roofed house huddled in the trees is my new abode. The big maple is just starting to turn color a bit.

There are actually two big maples and a gazillion leaves that will soon fall and need raking and bagging. A small price to pay, I suppose, for their beauty.

Facing the other direction toward the lake, this is my new view. This day, clouds were lying within the folds of the receding ridges.

Here's another view - this one taken from the driveway in front of the house - love that fence!

Jesse discovered that this spot by the back door is the perfect place to catch some rays.

Eventually, the movers finished and left, and I cracked open a few boxes to find some things that would immediately make us feel more settled and at home. A very tired dog was delighted when I spread her protective blanket on the couch, invited her up and threw our couch quilt over her. Order restored!

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