
Monday, November 06, 2006

Getting closer...

...and I sense the need to get back to setting weekly goals. I've been drifting a bit in general from lack of making lists. Last night, I thought about what needed to get done this week and realized that completing the unpacking and setup of the studio had finally risen to the top of my priority list. I'm finally feeling some urgency to get back to work, and I can only do that with a working studio.

And I'm nearly there. All boxes but one are now emptied and almost everything put away. I need to hang a few things and get my design wall flannel up, but I could work on something tomorrow if I so desired. I've thought from the start there were certain things I could work on without benefit of a design wall, for instance, so total set-up would not have to be a prerequisite to getting back to work.

I was reminded of this again when my brother, drawing on his own experience, cautioned against the temptation represented by "this beautiful empty space" with "a chance to set up a shop the right way" and how long that might keep one from doing any serious work. I don't have to deal with insulating and wiring and some of the other things he wanted to do to make his workspace perfect. All the same, I know exactly what he meant when he concluded, "I just felt that setting up the perfect workshop could easily turn into a grand procrastination that would take on a life of its own." As queen of procrastination, I hardly need more excuses for dilly dallying.

By the way, I had another chuckle at the expense of my movers and the way they labeled some boxes:

"Plastic sewing bds" are of course my rotary cutting mats, and "plastic measure angles" are my acrylic rotary rulers, some of which are indeed angled. No chuckles about the job they did though. Not one ding on any furniture and not one broken or chipped anything. I was very specific about those mats and rulers, having heard some horror stories, and they did a superb job of packing everything to avoid damage. Thanks guys!

One thing that can't be avoided though is this:

The edges of a ping pong table are very rough - at least mine are. I've solved the problem by covering them with a vinyl tape. Unfortunately, over time the adhesive breaks down and is easily damaged. So after each move, I find I have to remove some or all of the tape and re-apply new. It's not a fun job, but once done, I can work without fear of snagging delicate fabric.

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