
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hello 2007!

Got home last night from my trip out of town - what a wonderful time! Fabulous food, fabulous company, excellent wine and champagne (kudos to New Zealand and their excellent sparkling wine). I always feel so pampered when I visit these friends, and so enjoy the infusion of culture and conversation they provide. My mind was a million miles away from goals and New Year Resolutions, and even though I anticipated time to write a letter, rough out a plan for the year, stitch a little on a redwork embroidery piece, there simply was no time that needed filling with any of that. I relaxed, I enjoyed, I vacationed.

But now I'm home and behind on my usual first of the year routine. See this post for how I usually spend New Year's Day, and obviously couldn't this year because I wasn't home. Calendars need to go up; that parade got recorded and I don't know when I'll have time to watch it. And I sense I need to spend the week clearing the decks as it were and getting organized. In fact, my previous post anticipated this. Everyone else seems to think the last week of the year is the perfect time to do this, but I've always liked to let the last week of the year be the final savoring of the warm feelings Christmas time can bring, a time to let responsibilities go a bit. The first week is time enough to make fresh starts and clean out the deadwood. My mind just isn't ready to focus, get down to business until then. And it's usually a short week anyway, so how better to spend it than by getting all set up for the flurry of activity each new year brings?

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