
Monday, March 05, 2007

Goals for the Week of March 5

As my American readers know, the income tax deadline is looming and I haven't started on mine yet. If not for the open house, I would have started last month. But I didn't, so now I have to get serious about them. I anticipate that working on them will take up a lot of prime time this week, just because my anxiety level will be unbearable if I don't. Never mind that I still have a month and a half before they have to be submitted. It's not something I'm comfortable leaving to the last minute (unlike completing quilts for contests!).

Still, I'm sure I'll need a break from entering data and staring worriedly at the computer screen. I should be able to get a few things done in the studio. Today I printed the label backing for my journal quilt so I can fuse that in place and turn the edges to the back to complete it. I should fill out a documentation file on my challenge quilt now that the dust has settled. Maybe I can get Grid 3 quilted, something that should be a fairly mindless and relaxing task. Beyond that, I can't think. Well, actually I can. I'm anxious to get the paints out to work on a couple of ideas, but realistically, I don't think I'll have the time or concentration for it. So let's keep it simple, and if I end up doing more, no harm done:
  1. Print journal quilt label, fuse in place and secure edges to back .
  2. Complete documentation file for challenge quilt.
  3. Continue quilting on Grid 3

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Don't work on your taxes too hard. Be like a good Democrat and send lots of money. Only greedy Republicans try to minimize their tax burden.

    Greedy Republican
