
Monday, April 16, 2007

Goals for the Week of April 16th

I've been flying without a net for way too long - um, longer than I thought. According to my notebook, my last goal setting was done 5 weeks ago. Three items on that list, one of which I just did last week and one of which is still waiting. Now that Easter is over, the taxes are in the mail and yard care arranged, I suddenly have renewed drive and a clear idea of what I want to get accomplished over the next three weeks.

It's a sequential thing again. I need to get going on a piece for the church which ideally should be finished by June 1st. Tick, tock. I recently purchased fabric which may be perfect for the background, but it needs to be washed. I've been putting off washing it because the load will have several 2-plus yard lengths that I'll want to lay out on my work table when ironed. The work table still has bins sitting on it from my search for fabric to make crows feet blocks. I have two more blocks to cut out but didn't want to choose their fabric until I had the other blocks sewn and up on the design wall. Ergo, sewing the remaining 4 crows feet blocks moved to the top of the list today. Now that they are intermingled with the rest, I can see that I need more yellow, not more purple as I had guessed, so I am glad I waited. Tomorrow, I'll cut out the remaining two blocks, sew them and clear off the work table. The next step on that quilt can then be postponed.

Theoretically, I can finish off the week by binding Grid 3, and maybe even getting its sleeve sewn on. I'd love to get it up on the wall next to Grid 1 & 2 so I can better contemplate what I want to try next in this series. Finishing it would also mean I can clear more work table space and get some documentation done as well. Feels like a full, productive week ahead for a change.

So here it is in list form:
  1. Cut & sew rest of crows feet blocks.
  2. Process new fabric (wash, iron & store about 12 yds)
  3. Bind Grid 3 - apply sleeve if time.
  4. Update documentation files - SP Challenge and Grid 3

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