
Saturday, June 30, 2007

June Journal Quilt Revisited

I finally got my June journal quilt's edges finished off and a decent scan taken. Above are the different threads and stitches I tried out. I'm getting more comfortable with the new machine, although I still have the manual right next to me for constant reference. I'm not crazy about the sound it makes - very industrial, a bit like a truck firing up at times, not at all soothing like my old 990. But boy, do I like its features, especially the presser foot that automatically lifts slightly when stopping in the needle down position for pivoting. This is Viking's answer to other brand's knee lift and I must admit, it's very cool.

As you can see, the wider satin stitch won out, as did the yellow/green Sulky rayon twist. I didn't get good coverage with one pass, so I stitched over it again. A lot of thread used up in this method and I doubt I would use it on anything but trial pieces like this. Click on the picture for a larger view that shows the stitching to good advantage.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

