
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Music to Quilt By

I received a package from my "most favorite and fabulous" niece today, which included the CD "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake and instructions that it was for "quiet studio moments." Well, I was headed to the studio to resume quilting on the angel quilt, so I popped it into the CD player. I don't know where I've been; this is an artist I've never heard of, but oh, my...I really enjoyed this disc. Thanks, Vanessa!

I've been working from the outside in once I got the major areas of the quilt stabilized. Today I quilted the beach area using a modified garnet stitch, following the outlines of the printed rocks in the fabric. Then I quilted some "grain lines" along the top border. Both of these areas were done with slightly different shades of brown Oliver Twist hand dyed thread. I think the lake is up next. I laid out some thread possibilities before shutting down for the day.

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