
Monday, October 01, 2007

Autumn is Here

I've been AWOL from the studio far too long. Today was just the kind of day weather wise perfect for concentrating on work inside: cool and blustery with on and off sun and rain. As I suspected, once the warm weather bid farewell, I found my desire to be getting stuff done in the studio return. And so today I worked on September's journal quilt - pics to come.

Before I get going on my day, the dog gets a walk. Then she'll leave me alone for awhile, and it gives me time to get my thoughts together, the blood flowing and possibly gather up a little inspiration.

The leaves are a few weeks later in their turning than last year, and the wind and rain we've been having are dislodging colorful examples already. I really have to discipline myself not to collect a few, take pictures of them, stare too long at their details. I did tons of that last fall, and I remember loading my blog with pictures and more pictures. Check the September/October 2006 archives if you're interested.

So you see, I have plenty of references at my fingertips. I need to stop collecting and start using. But of course, I couldn't pass up a few "artistic" shots.

I thought with the cooler weather, I'd seen the last of any new flowers blooming. Yet here these lovely purple flowers suddenly appeared along the drive. A last hurrah, I suppose. There's snow dusting the mountain tops already...

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