
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Judi's October Journal Quilt

It's journal quilt time again, but before I show you what I've been working on for November, I wanted to share my journal partner's journal quilt from October. It's another recreation in fabric of a photo (see below) - one Judi took while hiking near her new home in Oregon. I didn't get a lot of details about her process, but she mentioned that the new technique she tried was using a water soluble stabilizer laid over the top of the finished top with no hooping. She drew her quilting lines right on it, quilted away, then soaked the piece to remove the stabilizer. Her only disappointment was a slight bit of color bleeding from the green hand dyed fabric. So if you decide to use water soluble anything, you really need to be sure all your fabrics are colorfast.

She's thinking she'll probably frame this rather than finish it out like a traditional quilt. I think both the original photo and the quilt are fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Clicking on the quilt really shows up it's true beauty.
