
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here We Go Again

Wanda asked if any of the snow I've gotten this winter had melted. No, not very much, meaning that the 6 inches of snow the high winds blew around last weekend filled in all the spaces between the snowbanks still three to four feet high. I wasn't snowed in, I was drifted in. Today, on the other hand, I am snowed in. It started at noon yesterday and is still coming down 28 hrs later. The weatherman was loath to break the news that there's no end in sight. The 12 inches that fell in the first 12 to 15 hours will continue to stack up: another 4 by tonight, 2 more tomorrow, 2 more the day after, 2 to 4 the next...there isn't a day this coming week that doesn't have snow in the forecast. I like winter and snow a lot, but this is getting ridiculous!

The picture above may look familiar. This is the view of the back deck where I let the dog out at night. I've been keeping a narrow path shoveled for her, letting the excess pile up. With this last go, the pile is as tall as I am and I'm having trouble tossing the snow over it. Of course, some of that snow has slid off the roof.

Here's what it looks like out front:

And here are more views out the back. Note the snow on roof - that's all new.


  1. Oh, my golly, you weren't kidding! That reminds me of the winter of 78/79 here where it never melted between Nov. and Mar. We had a puppy and when spring came he didn't know where to do his job because he had never seen grass, only snow.

  2. I looks so very lovely but can you manage to get out and buy food etc. What happens if there is a power cut? Can you keep warm?

  3. My kids would be so jealous if they saw this!! Any snow we have here lasts for a maximum of 24 hours... including all the yukky slush!

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    You do this just to hurt me, don't you?

