
Friday, March 07, 2008

Studio Garb

What do you wear in the studio? Over the years, I've discovered that there are certain things that work better than others. For instance, I've learned to avoid loosely knit sweaters if I'll be working with pins; those round heads can too easily catch as I'm running a pinned section through the machine. It's disconcerting to find pins missing and work shifting, and then try to find where along a sleeve they may have caught. I'm also careful about garments that might transfer fuzz, like chenille sweaters. If all I'm doing is selecting fabric, or cutting, it probably doesn't matter, but if I'm doing anything else that might bring the garment in contact with fabric, I choose something that won't transfer lint.

Beyond those two things, comfort is probably the most important. Will the pants I have on start to bind after sitting at the machine for an extended length of time? Do the sleeves stay up when they need to? Am I warm enough or too warm? Does the bulk or fit of the outfit begin to hamper my movements?

Sometimes it's a matter of just feeling good. I've had this sweatshirt for years, and from the first time I put it on, it made me feel good. It is slightly over-sized, but not sloppy big. The fabric is just the right weight and doesn't stretch out of shape. I can wear a turtleneck under it in cooler weather, or wear it alone when the temps are nicer. It's a neutral color and doesn't show the dirt readily. It's my favorite travel outfit when I'll be driving for hours, with or without the dog. It's not too bulky to throw a jacket over when getting out of the car, and just right for in the car. I put it on and think no more about how I look. And as I said, I always feel good when I wear it. Don't know why, but I do know that if I think I'm going to have a fun upbeat day at home, or need to feel that way, I invariably grab this sweatshirt to wear.

I had one of those days last week. I don't really think of this as studio garb. It strikes me more as Saturday-not-working garb. But I really felt I needed the boost and wore it anyway. It worked its magic, didn't steal any pins out of my work and left no debris behind. I moved easily, was just the right temperature and found I was working with a smile on my face.

No doubt, if Stacy and Clinton of What Not To Wear fame were to go through my closet, they would tell me to ditch this. They don't approve of garments advertising anything. They'd gasp at the small spots of something red I'm unable to get out of it. They'd dis its fit no doubt. You can do better, I can hear them say. Sorry - perhaps I can, but in this case, I don't think I need to. I love this sweatshirt and they can not have it!


  1. Ok, well, for the sake of giving you a bit of a laugh, I'm going to be honest and tell you what I wear when sewing. My usual garb is trousers and a cotton top of some description, but I always, when I sew, undo my trousers and loosen my bra!! Too much info? Sorry, but I just can't sit hunched up and restricted by stuff while Isew for hours. It's a bit like 2 elastic bands around an egg.

  2. Oh, yes, thanks for the smile! I have to admit that when I settle in on the couch in the evenings, I often switch to sweatpants and dispense with the bra as well. Everything seems to tighten up as the day goes on...couldn't have anything to do with what we eat all day, could it? ;-)

    I thought of another consideration - dark tops often are a mistake as I emerge from a session of sewing covered in stray threads...

  3. Umm. I confess (especially if I've done a couple of 13 hour shifts previous days) my studio garb is likely to be jammies. Then I change into jeans/sweats and t-shirts. If it's cool - I add a fleece.

    As far as lint goes, my persian cat far outdoes me with fuzz on quilts. So I don't worry about it. I own stock in lint rollers as a persian mom anyway. ;-)
