
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Thank Goodness!

Other signs of spring? I've spotted the High School track team running on the bike path...


  1. That's not fair that you get spring before we do, with all the winter/snow that you had!

  2. Well, it's not exactly spring yet - just hinting at it. No trees or bushes are budding out yet and the only places where bare ground is showing is where I shoveled or where it was plowed. Those tentative daffodil shoots are backed by a 4 ft snowbank. You should see the big piles still stacked everywhere. The field still has a couple of feet of snow on it and my deck still has that 6 foot pile. It never gets full sun there so who knows how long I'll be looking at that!

  3. It's 45 degrees here today, so maybe I will see bare ground somewhere. However they still have snow in the forecast for us this week.
