
Friday, May 02, 2008

Dreams & Illusions, Part III

The final group of quilts I want to share from this show are slightly unconventional, starting with Groovy Strings by Melissa Tipke. Oh, I just HAD to take a picture of this one, made of inherited string blocks made from '60's & 70's fabrics. Yes, it had your polyesters, it had your plaids. In fact, I'm sure I had a wraparound kilt skirt made from one of those plaids. It hung on a window wall and I am disappointed that the colors in this photo are not true. It was much more vibrant with more red. It definitely made a statement.

Next is my friend Nikki Gamon's paper quilt called Garden Party Dresses. See the full quilt on Nikki's blog here. Nikki has been experimenting with stitching on paper for awhile now. Look closely at these detail shots (click on any picture for a larger view) to see that she is using paint to color the paper, embroidery to delineate details, and paper flower cutouts attached with beads and a variety of buttons for embellishments. The individual "blocks" have been joined by hand with more embroidery stitches.

Finally, we have Patti Ormsby's Small Thoughts 06-07 journal quilts. Basically, journal quilts are small quilts the size of a regular page and are used to chronicle an artist's journey, either emotionally, technically or both. The ones sent to Houston as part of the official project were attached to a single sleeve as you see here. Note in the individual shots the different edge finishes she experimented with.

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