
Sunday, September 21, 2008

More Fun in Hood River

Saturday morning Judi, Sherrie and I headed down to this funky coffee shop on Stevenson's main street. Here's Sherrie and Judi discussing some weighty topic no doubt, like the nutritional value of an oatmeal peanut butter cookie for breakfast. I mostly took the picture to show the wall treatment. We quilters see fabric everywhere we look, and this streaky paint job was something we wanted to take home with us. There was artwork for sale, a wall covered with a giant crossword puzzle, the chandelier of balls you see hanging in the background and a unisex bathroom.

Why do I mention the bathroom? Because of the text painted inside and out. On the door was the admonition, "Boy or Girl, one at a time." and once inside there was the instruction over the doorknob to lock yourself in. Then there was this painted in the corner.

If you can't quite read it in the larger picture, it says, "There's more inside our imagination than we are comfortable letting on." True, oh true.

Duly fortified with caffeine and sweets, we headed back up the street to check out the tiny local quilt shop, Birdhouse Quilting, which has been in business less than a year. It may be small, but that didn't keep us from finding things to buy. Here are my purchases - a couple of batiks, and this book at 1/2 price. I've been interested in coil baskets for a long time, and I particularly like the shapes of the baskets and bags in this book. For $10 I couldn't pass it up. My friends joked that I must put it up on the blog and say I'd be trying this out to be sure the book didn't just go on the shelf to be forgotten. After all, that's one of the reasons I started the blog, so that I'd feel accountable to some outside audience, waiting waiting for me to make good on my promises to try this or finish that. So here it is, my announcement that in the dead of winter I'll be getting this book out and trying this technique!

Stevenson is right on the Columbia River, so we couldn't resist walking down to the waterfront, where we found it very windy and the wind & kite surfers taking advantage. I'd not seen the kite surfing before and almost thought I'd like to give it a try. Crazy, I know.

Sherrie needed to head back to Gig Harbor, so we bid farewell at this point, Judi & I returning to Hood River to spend a little time at Rhonda's house. I thought we'd be sewing so got out my azalea mosaic but Judi & Rhonda decided to look through quilt books instead and Rhonda shared her many quilts and quilt tops while we enjoyed typical quilter conversation and I appliqued away.

That evening, we went to the first annual Rising Moon Festival - a fundraiser to support the Columbia Gorge Master Gardeners. It was held outside, and lots of whoops went up when someone spotted the nearly full moon rising above the mountain. Besides wine and appetizers, there was great live music, including the Mamba Jamba marimba group. They were terrific with their Jamaican style renditions and soon had the crowd up and dancing.

The next day, Sunday, was fairly laid back, with a trip to the Columbia Art Gallery where Judi has her art quilts & jewelry displayed, coffee at one of her favorite coffee houses and snooping around several bead shops and interesting stores. By 6:30 I was back on the train headed for home, and it wasn't long until that full moon was up again, reflecting off the Columbia River and following me all the way home.


  1. Beautiful photos and I can almost imagine being there too. I wish!

  2. Great bit of bathroom grafitti! - and in black and turquoise. Definitely worth a photo!
