
Thursday, October 09, 2008

It's a start...

Today was the first in a week when I had absolutely nothing requiring my attention. So I promised myself that I must do some something quilt-related even if it was hard to get going because my buddy is no longer around. Last night I finished the paper early (normally I read through it on commercials while watching tv), and couldn't stand sitting there doing nothing with my hands. So I got out the next of the Quilted Cross embroidery panels and got to stitching. It's not as involved as the first one I did, so even though this is a bit of a late start, there's a good chance I'll have it totally done for the church fundraiser in December. Last year, I was still quilting on it as the bidding began.

This morning, I continued stitching as I caught up on some TV shows I'd recorded. This is NOT my usual schedule, but at least I was making progress on the embroidering. Then it was, GET IN THERE AND SEW, for pity sake! I've been thinking about what kind of project I'd be able to face, and I'd decided something mindless where I could immerse myself in sewing sewing sewing, something with no immediate memories of a black dog at my feet or major decisions to make was the way to go. For quite a while now I've been wanting to use up the strings I've been stuffing in the drawer reserved for them. I have a bunch of blocks started from way back when I taught or demonstrated string piecing on paper foundations. Had a stack of paper foundations cut and ready to go. Had relinquished my hotshot sewing machine to the repairman again to go back to the manufacturer. Yes, making up a bunch of string blocks on my old workhorse of a Viking was definitely the right project to get me going again. I got six blocks pieced today, and if I piece another six, I'll have enough for a small baby quilt when added to the ones stored away in my teaching files. I usually donate these to charity. It's a start...

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely it's a start. sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and get in there! I could prevaricate for England, but I try and make myself do something most days.Sounds as if you've done quite a lot though with all that piecing!
