
Friday, October 31, 2008

More interruptions

Ever feel like the world's conspiring against you, that life is trying to tell you something? Here it is the last day of October and I have little to show, the entire month feels like a wash. First the dog, then the art shows, then the company - all distractions keeping me out of the studio. Then I tweak my lower back, pick up a bug and spend the last week and a half relegated to the sick list. Lots of couch time, TV time, sitting in front of the fire time, but no studio time. I did rally some moments here and there to hand stitch the binding down on my tie quilt, but that's about it. It's enough to make me wonder if there's something else I'm supposed to be doing with my life if every time I try to get up a head of steam in the studio, life inconveniently intervenes...

Today I'm feeling much better, although the back is still complaining. I decided to go back to the beading on the TIFC quilt from August - Balance Check. I sewed my latest this-will-work combination of beads along one area and promptly removed them. Rifled through my bags of beads and happened upon these light green ones which I'm sure I considered before and rejected, but which looked like a viable option now. Went from scatter stitching to clustering and think now I am on the right track. This picture above and below shows just the start of my effort., working in the spaces in the dark orange section. (Click on pics for larger views.) I'm probably going to go back in and add additional beads next to the green ones, but not sure what kind or color yet. Just think I need to get these laid in along all the inner areas and reassess. Maybe it will need more and maybe not. Just know that I finally feel like I'm on the right track and had no compulsion to remove these and start over again. Progress.


  1. Maybe the interruptions that interfere with your studio time are happening for a purpose? After all, you are producing worthwhile work when you *are* in there, perhaps this is the way you work best - even if it doesn't always feel like it!

  2. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Absolutely love the beading Sheila! I think this is my fave part of quilting - if only I could skip to the beading it would be so much more fun! ;)
    I tweaked my neck this morning and have so little to show for this year, so yes, I totally relate!

  3. BJ is having trouble posting a comment so I am adding it here myself:

    "We do seem to have similar challenges to our art. I'm trying my best to remember that even in failure you learn something, that it's better to try than to make no art at all, and that life will proceed as it will. This may be a fallow time; there will be productive times to come."

  4. I love the way you've said "you've no compulsion to remove these" Sometimes that's the only way you know something's working! A sort of positive negativity. Anyway, it's looking brill and I'm sure the breaks in creativity are just providing a space in which to think.
