
Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Rest in peace, little one. You had a good run and were such a good companion. You had enough attitude to keep me in line and helped me through the most difficult time in my life. I hope I made your last years as happy and comfortable as I could. I'll miss you greatly.

Now go find Allen and chase some pheasants...


  1. I'm so sorry to see your little friend has passed away.
    We do get inextricably bound to our pets don't we? and they see us through some really rough patches.
    I'll be remembering you.

  2. I'm so sorry.
    Will be thinking of you,

  3. That's very sad news Sheila, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Dogs are so loving and I'm sure he did have a wonderful life with you. I hope the good memories will help in the coming days and months.

  4. Many nose nuzzles and hugs~

  5. Ah, that's so sad x I've tried to leave a comment a couple of times but hope this ones successful. Dogs are wonderful things, making us healthier and happier people. You have to own a dog to understand how much better they can make life. Your doggy sounds as if he had a wonderful time with you; seeing to his every whim, and throwing endless sticks, I've no doubt! My own dog is very old now (Dylan, and he's nearly 15) and I know this is something I will probably have to face soon. Internet hug and sigh x Be of good cheer.

  6. Thanks, everyone for your kind thoughts and understanding. It's pretty tough today. Jesse and I have been joined at the hip for 14 years. I've pretty much made my life & schedule revolve around her and her needs the last couple of years as she got older and creakier and then these last few months when her health really did go into decline and we tried to figure out what was going on. She was that last link to my late husband too and now I really am on my own. Bummer. Don't like this at all. But I am thankful she's out of pain - it was obvious yesterday when I rushed her once again to the vet that even if she did come through this one, it wouldn't be good. God was kind and didn't make me have to look into aware eyes and say I have to end this. She went quietly under sedation while they were taking x-rays.

    I have to laugh just a bit at myself as I admit to how much I used her as an excuse for not doing so many things. Who will I blame now when I want to sit outside a little longer? Who will provide interruptions and diversions when I don't want to work on something but have no good reason not to? How will I get out of things I don't want to do by saying, Oh, I can't leave the dog that long? Gosh she was the perfect scapegoat for my laziness sometimes!

    I have so many friends with dogs in the same age bracket - Annabelle, I remember when you were having your own sorting problems with Dylan and I could so relate. I embrace all the hugs, actual and virtual, being sent my way and am ready to return them to my friends when they have to face the same good-bye.

  7. I'm sorry for your loss. Our dog was 14 when he passed too. That's a lot of years devoted to someone who was always happy to see you. It took a long time to stop listening for the toenails clicking on the floor.

  8. Hi, I read your blog through Feather on a wire's blog and was so sorry to read of your loss.
    Dogs are part of the family and non-dog onwers don't understand.
    We lost two in one year and it leaves a hole.

    Just remember the good times !
    Thinking of you.

  9. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Your post and photos brought tears to my eyes......
    be brave......

  10. Anonymous8:49 AM


    So very sorry for your loss. I know how devastated I was when Shanny died. I just couldn't face being without a dog but I also did NOT want to deal with housebreaking a puppy in the winter. I was so blessed when I found Kaiser at a rescue. He has turned out to be my best companion and fervent protector....



  11. I'm very sorry. This is so sad.
    My dog is getting old too, and he stays near me all day long.

  12. Very sorry to read about your loss. Pets hold a very special place in our hearts.
