
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beading Block Broken

I finished sewing the green beads on Balance Check and I think, think I'm done with the beading. At any rate, it's back up on the design wall where it will remain until I am sure that's all I want to do with it. As Annabelle commented, sometimes "breaks in creativity are just providing a space in which to think." I'll wait until it is totally finished before showing it again.

The upside is that this little bit of success has encouraged me to tackle the beading on the New York Beauty tie quilt. Still, there was a moment of hesitation as I put the set of beads away that I'd used on Balance Check and got out a whole different variety for a totally different approach. I'd already auditioned my bead stash awhile back and left out those I thought might work, but now I was wondering just how I would approach this. The silks meant I would have no misgivings about using sparkly beads, and I could use a wider variety of colors and sizes. After laying the various beads out and pondering options, I hit upon this combination (see above picture) and I was off and running. I will probably use this once, as each area I plan to bead is a different color. I already have several other combinations ready to go.

Gosh - I finally feel like I'm back. I'm excited again about where this is going. The beads are really going to make it a special piece.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this just makes me wish I'd thought of doing that - I love that beading!
