
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Constructed Color: Amish Quilts

Cactus Basket by Sheila Mahanke Barnes 2000

I've long had a love affair with The Magazine Antiques, finding much information and inspiration within its pages. But I have long been frustrated with their limited website. As long-time readers know, I have often shared bits and pieces of articles, wishing I could link you to the website and more info, but that info simply wasn't available online.

That is, until now. The Magazine Antiques has revamped their website to make it more interactive and to reflect more of the content found in the monthly magazine. And so, I can share with you a link to more information about and pictures of three quilts from the Constructed Color: Amish Quilt exhibit at Textile Museum in Washington, D.C. through September 6, 2009. Enjoy!

As for the quilt here, it is one of two quilts I made based on an Amish quilt I'd seen in a book (and NOT a part of the Textile Museum exhibit). Back in 2000, I didn't have a digital camera yet, so excuse the quality of these photos. This version was machine quilted with mono-filament thread using authentic Amish quilting designs. I was unable to see how the original quilt designs but I felt it important to use the best information I had to select something appropriate. The basket includes some hand-dyed fabric, not very authentic but necessary if I were to match the colors in the original quilt.


  1. I recently came upon a reference on the web that you had commented on my paintings, so out of curiousity I went to your blog, read the comments from June 13, 08 and other parts of your blog. You made some generous compliments about my work - thank you! You as well, have some wonderful pieces of art.
    I was very interested in the comments about the landscape shapes - that the long horizontal pieces of my work were liked better perhaps, by you and your friend. Interesting...I tend to want to always paint something horizontal...I think it tells a bigger story perhaps...It seems to pull you in more or something!
    Anyway, I am adding your blog to my my list of favorites on my blog
    Newer work is posted on the blog which I started in Nov of 08.
    Keep doing your art - it is wonderful!

    Bonnie Griffith

  2. Thanks, Bonnie - glad you found me! This discussion of orientation comes up often amongst art quilters. Apparently, some people are naturally more prone to horizontal, others vertical (like being left-handed or right-handed), and others, like me don't seem to pay it much mind - the subject matter of each piece seems to dictate which way to go. Just when I think I work more one direction than the other, I flip. Or solve the dilemma altogether by making pieces that are square! That, no doubt is the quilter in me.
