
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Azaleas Bloomin'

The azaleas pretty much came and went while I was out of town, but they are sure blooming in the studio this week. Here's the last in the series, at the end of much fabric auditioning. I have yet to determine the exact width of that yellow border but the general proportions of the three pieces are pretty close. I will add some stitch to this, although whether or not there will be batting is still a question.

Happy accident! This version which I planned to mat and frame, no stitching required, was on the design while while I auditioned fabrics for the other one. While this red didn't work for Mosaic V, I was quite taken with how Mosaic IV looked on it. Changes my mind entirely about that matting thing.

This morning I put a few stitches into the hand-appliqued version that started this whole thing. Then I squared up Mosaic II, auditioned several piping fabrics, thought it a good idea, and proceeded to finish up the edge of this quilt. Just fabulous colors in that batik. Alas, after completing 2 sides, holding it up and stepping back, I decided the piping just wasn't working. Sigh...because I'd spent a lot of time pinning and carefully sewing it on, ditto with the binding, so that perfect 1/8 inch would peek out from the seam.

I must be maturing. If this were last year, I'd have spent a lot of time, perhaps even days, trying to convince myself that it DID work - not based on anything other than the time invested in applying it plus taking it off again and the fact that it had looked right in my head and the auditioning process. Reason might eventually prevail. - or not. Today, it took about 10 minutes to conclude I didn't like it - reason enough to remove it. But why, I wondered? Basically, the piping did nothing for the quilt, added nothing. If anything, it distracted the eye. So off it came. The only emotion was a bit of anger at not reaching my goal for the day (getting the binding on), but it was tempered with grudging pleasure that I'd not wasted even more time fighting the inevitable. Just put the disappointment aside and get back to work. I've been working on this series for a year now, and it's time to wrap it up.

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