
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bishop's Close Meditations

I finished the quilting on my response to June's Sunbreaks At Bishop's Close and simply couldn't wait to share it. That's right, it's not actually finished yet since I am considering binding it rather than just sticking it in a frame as originally planned. So what you see in the above picture is a photoshopped binding surrounded by a photoshopped frame. Close enough, and since I took a quick photo outside, the colors are much truer than in some of the previous in-process photos. I'm calling it Bishop's Close Meditations and it is 16" x 12" per our challenge guidelines.

After doing my research and spending lots of time staring at the above picture June sent of her painting, I settle on three things I wanted to bring into my design: 1) the impressionistic color palette of June's painting, 2) the wonderful curving line she created with the route of the water, and 3) a meditative feel since the purpose of a close is to provide a sacred and meditative space- all in an abstract manner. While my red is not as orange as the red in June's painting, and I've used much more of it in my textile piece, the other colors are very close to hers. I noticed the navy underpinnings on closer observation and was happy to incorporate it in my tulle squiggles.

The squiggles themselves are a take-off on her curves and are meant to represent the spirit world and those meditations wafting up to heaven. I wanted an ethereal feel, but after doing the bulk of the quilting, I could see that they were too ethereal, so went back in with that dark metallic thread as I thought I might have to and quilted around the shapes to help define them better. I am very pleased with the results.


  1. Love those squiggly lines--very graceful and expressive. This is really fun to watch what you and June are doing and love that you are not trying to be too literal in your responses to the other's work.

  2. Now I'm going to have to blog elegantly in response to Sheila's comments -- oh dear. I didn't realize how intimidated I would be.

    But by tomorrow I will have something to say -- and at least can echo her photos. I too love the squiggly lines. And I'm afraid I can't ever be very literal in my responses. If Sheila had done a quilted piece that looked like what I did, I'm afraid it would show me up --snort--

    So we allude to one another's selected work. Now in September, we get to paint/stitch something that in October we get to respond to. I like the leisurely feel of our timing.
