
Saturday, September 05, 2009

What is it?

The reason you've been getting "deep thought" posts from me this week are two-fold. First, I've been working away on my second Bishop's Close piece and decided, rather than give you a blow by blow daily description of progress, I'd cover it in a single post once it is finished. It is ready for quilting, so that post is soon to come. It probably would have been finished already except that...

...Second, I've been spending way too much time playing with my Paintshop Pro program, running certain pictures through the kaleidoscope effect (over and over and over) and experimenting with various crops on another. Thus, the picture with yesterday's and today's posts. It's the same photo, just cropped and rotated differently. I'm wondering if you can guess what it is? Perhaps it's more obvious than I think. There may be something in it for the first one to guess correctly, so let the speculation begin!


  1. I think it's a rose. Gorgeous color!

  2. It looks like meat - bacon - to me!

  3. Ooh, good guesses you two. Does no one else want to try?
