
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cutting cutting cutting...

Now that the "to bind or not to bind" issue has been settled, I decided to return to my half square triangle unit project I resurrected on my Hood River trip. As promised, I did not put the shoebox of squares and strips back on the shelf, but had left it on the work table to remind me I intend to finish this up sooner than later. I've gotten all the bias strips sewn together into large stripsets, trying to get as much variety as possible, and have moved on to the sometimes mind numbing, sometimes soothing process of cutting squares from them. Perhaps you can see the stacks of squares near the shoebox. I'm still not counting how many I have cut to date...only know that if my figuring is correct, I will end up with over 350 of them.


  1. Good grief! Such patience. You're very neat you know....if it was me, there'd be piles of bits everywhere.

  2. Hey I. Beauty! I just saw a Fons and Porter episode on how to make bias half square triangles with ease (!) and it looks like that's what you're doing here? It was for a feathered star block on their program. I do want to try this method. I love half square triangle quilts. So colorful and fun!

  3. Goodness, you think this is neat? There ARE piles of bits everywhere, at least by MY standards! And also, I purposely shot from that direction so you couldn't see the mess on the rest of the table. Patience may factor in, but also this is easier to face right now than the response to June's April challenge that I SHOULD be working on. ;-)

    Cathy, yes, probably the same thing as F & P and it's a great method, worth giving a try. I'm setting this quilt very simply, but that hasn't stopped my mind from wandering to all the neat patterns one can create with such a simple unit.
