
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beading Commences

I only wish this white sheer looked this white in real life. But the beads are helping to define it and the flow of water.


  1. What happened to your potholders idea?

  2. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Hi I'm back in internet land and catching up. This looks wonderful; lots of movement. I have something for you if you'd like to get in touch with your address.

  3. BC, I figure if I put enough beads on it, I can turn it into a trivet. vbg

    Annabelle, thanks. The movement is not as obvious at normal viewing range, but the beading is going a long way to helping that. Sending along my address per request. Oh, dear - am I supposed to have something for you too?

  4. If you put enough beads on it, it can be a bullet-proof vest.

  5. Love what you are doing to this, it feels good!
