
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Custom Design Fabric

I'm ramping up to make more padfolios so have been printing out some of my photo-manipulation designs for the outside. This proved to be a slow process, partly because I disabled the fast printing mode. With the fabric ironed to freezer paper, a slower speed causes fewer problems. Even so, there were a few spots where fabric separated from freezer paper and turned back on itself as the print head passed over. No jams, but I needed to stand by in case of a problem. Some printed exactly as I expected but a few did not, and I'm not sure why. No matter, I think they are all usable in some form or another.

Look at that sun! It was a gorgeous day, starting cool but warming up enough to enjoy lunch out on the porch. I even opened some windows, a treat after the cool rainy weather we've been having. Seize these days, because they are sure to be few.

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