
Monday, October 11, 2010


Oh, blogger, how I've neglected you these past few weeks - are my readers still there? Do I have a good excuse? Depends on your definition, I suppose.  I've been working away on the padfolios, nothing much to share yet.  They are done except for closures, then I'll share. They have come out well.  But they are only part of the story.  I've discovered I had an ear infection so have been trying to get that cleared up.  And we have had some of our nicest weather, with leaves turning, and it has pulled me back outside.

The landlord has packed up and gone back to the city so I am back on my daily rounds of the grounds, back to having access to the lakeshore.  I've been spending time sitting or standing on the breakwater in meditation, pulling strength from the sun, the wind, the water, and I sense the vision that has been absent most of the year returning.  This is the surface of the breakwater, not new to me, but really seen perhaps for the first time.

October 2010
I've committed to an invitation only exhibit themed Flora and Fauna of Northern Idaho - right up my alley and me without a real idea in my head.  I know I can work with birch trees and willow leaves, but how?  I think I have an idea at last - the huge willow tree down by the breakwater, the one damaged in a windstorm a few years ago, finally speaking to me, and me finally listening.  The only question is whether I can master the technical part of my idea in the three weeks I have to execute it.  Wish me luck!

February 2009

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm wishing you luck! The willow photo is beautiful -- very graceful and peaceful. Definitely quilt material.
