
Saturday, December 11, 2010

More "Miniatures at Large"

Artists aren't great rule followers, else they wouldn't be artists, I guess. Me, I've always been a stickler for following the rules and wonder where I fit in as an artist, being so basically uptight. I manage. This is a preface to showing the small work in POAC's "Miniatures at Large" exhibit. As you view these pictures, bear in mind that the criteria for the small pieces iss "no larger than 4 x 6 inches." And indeed, most of the small work stayed within these limits (not including the added inches of a frame) as do those displayed above.

But a few artists pushed the envelop, as in these oils by Suzanne Jewell. Radishes, Lemons & Shallots, and Winter Gourd are painted on 6 x 6 inch gallery canvases - so not much off the requirements.

And how do you categorize these stained glass snowflakes? You categorize them beautiful and hang them where they sparkle. They are by Patricia Barkley.

Another exception to the rule would be Julie Reinbold's oils, Autumn Peace I & II. The miniature inspired the larger version which although too small to fit the large category was something she wanted to display with the small one. Well, why not?'

Three-dimensional items like sculptures were asked to be either under 6 inches or over 5 feet. Bonnie Shields' Pack It In - Pack It Out fit the bill.

But Gail Lyster's A Couple of Wise Guys falls outside either category. But what fun!

Dean McWilliams gorgeous metal dragonfly sculpture, When Times Were Good, while large, is not quite 5 feet, but is such a cool addition to the exhibit.

Another rule-bender was Lorna Lent-Sommers. Although she met the size limitations, she entered 6 pieces of miniature work rather than the "up to 3" stated in the paperwork. Each set of three, though, are quite different, so we will give her a pass. Not like her additional 3 were taking up space from another artist - rather they helped fill the walls.

Diana Moses Botkin also submitted more than three miniatures, these all oils. The top group are October Glow, Color on a grey Day and October Glow, all landscapes. The bottom are Key on Blue, Candies on Purple Jacquard, and Shell on Gold Paper.

Dawn entered these three delightful clay miniatures. She is also a writer so usually has text or at least a very expressive title that goes along with her work. These are Sing High Sing Low, Love Carry you Where'er You Go (top), Meet Your Dreams in the Mornin' (left) and Winter's Walk With Friends (right).

Then you have this great pottery by Daryl Baird. On the left are his Mountain Boxes, and on the right his Mugshots espresso cups. Now there's a way to start your morning...

I think the small format inspired many of the artists to create 3 pieces that could work separately or as a set - some were even priced that way, like Dorothy Modafferi's watercolor paintings of the local Monarch mountains. Each invokes a different season or time of day: Monarchs - Sunset, Monarchs, and Monarchs - First Snow.

Who could pick just one of Sarah Dickson's Pen miniatures, Solitude, Patience, and Peace?

These oils by Loi Eberle are all of a theme: Suntipped Mountain, Clouds Over Kootenai, and Sunlit Mountain.

As are these acrylics by Vicki Bleile - exquisitely rendered detail in this tiny format: Trash Talk, Bull Moose, and When I Grow Up.

And these Watercolors by Susan Dalby: Winter Flight, Head of the Bay, and Hay!

And these oil landscapes by Dalas Klein: Autumn Fields, Fisherman, and Ponderay.

The rest don't necessarily follow a theme, yet they still look like they belong together. These are acrylics by Robert Bissett: Spring Blooms, Nap Time, & Night Skater.

Watercolor miniatures by Karen Robinson: March of the Pairs, Fir Tree, & Bird Brain.

I particularly like these acrylics by Robens Napolitan: Trio, Night Owl, & Hoo, Me?

This case holds a variety of miniatures, from the pencil sketch Samson by Marguerite Suttmeier, two acrylic on porcelain pendants by Jessie Townsdin, three watercolor landscapes by Judy Pederson, and a silk ribbon fiber piece by Hermie Cline.

Here's a close-up of Hermie's Ribbon Delight.

Hope you enjoyed the tour. Remember that you can click on any picture for a larger view.

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