
Friday, February 25, 2011

Life on the tundra...

Sherrie who loves color and is devoid of it at the moment, inexplicably wants to see pictures of my blizzard. I did try out the video function of my digital camera to capture some of the blowing snow. This was taken from my kitchen window, and the clanking that you hear is the flap over a vent. I am such a novice at this and am puzzled at the pixelation showing up here. But perhaps this will give an idea of what 30 - 40 mph winds look like.


  1. Hey, this isn't a nice calm romantic snowy day. Brrrrrrr. But aren't digital cameras miraculous? Nice job in capturing all that.

  2. Wonderful! I wanted to see your blizzard because misery loves company. It sure looks like a good day to be snuggled inside with a quilting project.

  3. I don't miss this weather at all Sheila

  4. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Yep. That looks cold! Especially when the weather here on our Western Plains is heading for about 95 degrees today. It's 10am and I have all the doors and windows open, but am about to close them and pull the curtains across to keep the worst of the heat out!
    Rhonda in Dubbo, Australia

  5. Mark, you're such a wimp these days...

    Rhonda, it always stops me short when I realize you guys down under are dealing with such hot weather when we're huddled under our blankets up here. I don't have air conditioning so understand the trick of open at night,shuttered in the day to keep a house comfortable in the warmer times of the year. I'll think on your 95 degree day to help keep me warm until I have some of my own.

    Sherrie - we can share misery anytime!

  6. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Truly amazing Sheila. I do think you could have entertained us further though by giving us a rendition of something soothing in the background. Couldn't you have sung or played the piccolo or something??? (vbg xx)

  7. What, you couldn't hear me humming tunes from Dr Zhivago in the background? Too much clanking??? lol

  8. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Looks like you're making margaritas. You need to set the blender speed a little slower.

