
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Post 1000

Yes, dear readers, this is my 1000th blog post...hard to believe. On the other hand, I've been blogging since 2005...which now that I think of it, is equally hard to believe. Thanks for suffering through my ramblings, observations, frustrations and triumphs. I always hope that you will find something of interest, help or beauty here. And since this seems a momentous occasion, I think I should offer a little giveaway to celebrate. I have a favorite is not too high...and that number comment to this post will receive a little gift. Since I moderate comments before they appear on the post, you won't know where you are in the queue, but I'll know when we reach the magic number.

I had other things I was supposed to be doing today, but instead I played with the above photo of one of those "ghost" leaves I talked about here. (click on any picture for a larger view) I found this last weekend as I was enjoying the warmer weather, out and about taking pictures. This is a posed shot, one that excited me because of how clearly the lacy-ness of the leaf showed up in the leaf as well as in its shadow. I take most of my shots on a 1600 x 1200 dimension setting and the finest resolution so that if I choose to zoom in to an area for cropping, I still have a clear image. Although I liked the framing of my original shot, I got to thinking there must be some areas I could zoom in on for interesting crops. So here is what you can come up with from a single shot.

And if you've been following me for any time at all, you know I can't resist running photos through various filters in my Corel Paint Shop Pro program. I started with a similar photo that angled the leaf slightly more and incorporated more variety in the stone backdrop. Here are some of the more interesting ones.

Seamless tiling.

Polar coordinates, rotated.

Vertical perspective



Can't stop until I've tried my favorites - first Kaleidoscope

Then pattern.

Finally, I was fascinated with the colors showing up beyond the darker center in this mosaic.

Hope you enjoyed this photo manipulation tour. Don't forget to leave a comment!


  1. Sheila, these are fantastic!

  2. Congratulations on your 1000th post! Your photo of the ghost leaf is beautiful and I like the PSP images you got from it.

  3. I love your multi kaleidoscope pic, looks like an amazing piece of lace.

  4. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Congratulations on a magnificent total of postings. Keep going!!

  5. I missed this one! Sorry, 1000th should be celebrated with something and I feel guilty now. Congratulations!! Love the skeleton leaf, Mother always know how to do a wow factor.

  6. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Have you ever tried making your own ghost leaves? I once did it using bleach but there are several different recipes for making these.
    Google 'making skeleton leaves.'

  7. Thanks, everyone. And now I can reveal that my favorite number is 5, which means Amo is the winner of my 1000th post giveaway. Congrats!

  8. I've not won anything bloggy before, thank you so much! And a great blog it is too, 1000 is a pretty impressive number, but keep going.... :-)
