
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mindless doodling

I was having a nice long conversation on the phone yesterday, and since a pencil and bit of paper was close at hand, I found myself absentmindedly drawing curves in the black spaces of this postcard. Not unusual, the curved lines - it seems to be my usual doodle. What surprised me was the arrows I caught myself drawing on the ends. This kind of doodling can reveal subliminal messages, and I'm wondering what I was trying to tell myself here. Get going? Any way will do? Operating at cross purposes? Split between choices? This way or that? Looking for adventure?

Care to join in with theories? ;-)


  1. That's funny - arrows are one of my regular doodles so perhaps it's not best for me speculate! ;) Funny too you should write about doodling because it's been on my mind this week. I had a lightbulb moment (well, it is by my standards!) and decided to fill another empty sketchbook with doodles. I often look at my doodles and think they are more representitive of me than the drawings and some are hard to throw away. I'll have to keep this book handy in places I normally doodle, but I can see this book being used in super quick time!Oh and your arrows look lovely and rhythmical, mine just look aggressive!

  2. I think a sketchbook of doodles is a wonderful idea. Although, I seem to always be doodling on anything but blank paper. I seem to be drawn to fill those spaces between text. Blank pages freeze me up, even in mindless doodling mode...

    I like your description of my arrows - they are indeed rhythmical which hadn't occurred to me. I think it is as much a reflection of the quality of the phone conversation as anything. Very calming, very enjoyable. I must admit that although I said I often doodle curves, I also catch myself just drawing lines when watching tv - intersecting, cross-hatching, building on one another, and these can look very aggressive. I watch a lot of crime shows... Maybe we should check with an annalist!

  3. funny thing happened today me and my son were sitting at the table doing a form and we finished then we both doodled the same kind of patterns squirls or cubes or inward and outwird spiral circles
    anyone know what this means
