
Sunday, May 15, 2011


Please indulge me; I've been waiting what seems like forever for my tulips to bloom and bring me some much needed color. I picked a few to bring inside, and they posed nicely for a photo shoot. Three different varieties, and for once, these photos are untouched by any photo manipulation program, not even cropping. Just the best of the lot straight from the camera to you.


  1. Oh, simply breathtaking! Gorgeous!

  2. NYC Niece4:43 PM

    Gorgeous! Absolutely stunning! Well done Auntie S!

  3. Awesome photos, Sheila! Wow!

  4. Gorgeous photos! The one on the top is unusual, to me anyway, with it's fairly flat petals. Our tulips finished a while ago now so it's amazing to see yours just coming out.

  5. Lovely photos. And stunning in your face colours!

  6. Thanks! These were here when I moved in so I don't know what varietal names they represent. I'm so intrigued by that first one, yes Felicity, a bit unusual on several levels. Absolutely looks colored by brushstrokes. We are indeed late here with blooms. If you check back to May 1st of last year, you will see I had tulips already.

  7. These are so beautiful! What type of camera did you se and what PC software to process the picture. Thanks so much for sharing.


  8. Becky, I took these with a Canon Powershot SX20IS on the auto setting. It was interesting to watch it focus and switch itself to macro for the extreme close-ups - on some of them I had the lens stuck inside the bloom - it's a wonder I didn't get some pollen on it! The only "processing" I did on these was to reduce their size from 1200 x 1600 to a faster uploadable 480 x 640. My software of choice for working with photos is Corel Paint Shop Pro.
