
Monday, August 15, 2011

Arts & Crafts Fair and Some Unfinished Business

This weekend was Sandpoint's annual Arts and Crafts fair where I not only tracked down one of my favorite potters of Klickitat Pottery, but also volunteered some time as a floater. Having done my share of vending at quilt shows and one outdoor Arts & Crafts show, I know how much work preparing and setting up is and how long the show days get, especially for the lone vendor with no friend or spouse to watch the booth when needing a break. One of the services POAC provides during this show is volunteers who will provide those breaks, and offer other help when needed. I must have "babysat" 8 or 10 booths in my 2 hour shift, and under my official status, had interesting chats with nearly every vendor. I felt this year's selection of vendors was particularly good, and should have come home with more business cards. Unlike POAC's art exhibits which focus on local artists, the Arts and Crafts Fair pulls artists from throughout the west. Here are a few websites to check out: Fire Creek Glass, Fluting From the Heart, Pottery Place Plus, Staci Schubert Custom Handcrafted Bags & Accessories.

On a personal note, I have finished my nephew's quilt, putting the last hand stitches in the binding this morning. I had hoped to get some pictures, especially because it was a nicely overcast day, but with overcast sometimes comes showers, and such was the case today. Well, I needed to steam it a bit anyway, so stay tuned - pictures to come. In the meantime, it is very good to have another piece of "unfinished business" finally crossed off the list.

1 comment:

  1. The quilt looks lovely - what I can see of it from your last picture. :) Aren't craft shows and art fairs just wonderful? I'm looking forward to Trailing of the Sheep in Hailey this fall! I've never been to Sandpoint but it sounds lovely.
