
Monday, November 21, 2011

Enjoying the snow

This is our third measurable snowfall in a week, and finally the crew is out plowing the driveways. No matter, I've been snug inside hand quilting away. Sorry I've got nothing to show - in spite of steady time put in, it doesn't look like I've made much progress. I think it's because I'm jumping from area to area trying to get some basic lines in rather than concentrate on finishing an area before moving on.

I was quite taken with these snowcaps on the mountain ash berries and thought, huh - maybe that's what inspired some of the antique red and white quilts. It certainly makes ME want to make something so simple yet striking.

What do you see outside your window today that inspires a particular palette for your art?


  1. Gray, gray, gray. Rain, rain, rain.

  2. Gray! But I'm not making art yet, I'm still cleaning the house. In a few days, with a clean home and studio, I'll launch into new things.
    Wow, the snow! Love that photo of snowed berries, it does look inspiring. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sheila! Hugs!

  3. Ah come on you two. Isn't there just a teeny bit of color somewhere in that gray? ;-)

    Have a great Thanksgiving!
