
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Warning! Awards Ceremony Ahead...

My good friend and art quilter Sherrie over at Sherrie Loves Color has passed along to me the Liebster Blog Award, which is given to inspiring blogs with less than 200 followers. While I always hope to inspire with my posts, I sometimes wonder if I'm just blathering on to rolling eyes. Sherrie assures me I am not and her description of why I qualify for this award in her eyes simply makes me blush. Thank you Sherrie. I'd give the award right back to you if I could, but I must choose 5 new bloggers that have motivated and inspired me to pass it on to. The award's name, by the way, comes from the German word meaning "beloved, dearest or favorite".

Here are the rules for my 5 awardees for accepting and passing along this award:
  1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
  2. Post the award to your blog.
  3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value.
  4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know they have been offered this award.
And who might these inspiring bloggers be? To be honest, I would not be following a blog if I did not find it inspiring, and if I find it inspiring, chances are it already has a plethora of followers. But of those who are like me and have fewer than 200 followers, I commend to you in no particular order the following:

MulticoloredPieces: I often discover a blog because the owner has left a comment on one of my posts. The least I can do when someone does that is to find out more about them. Just seeing MulticoloredPieces fascinating quilts would have drawn me in, but she also dabbles in beautiful mosaics while sharing the life of an American now living on a farm in Tunisia. She gives me a different perspective on so many levels and often jars me out of my normal way of thinking.

While I Was Waiting: Deborah on the other hand, provides a quiet refuge, a place of beauty and calm. Unlike me, her posts are always brief and often poetic, her work small and hand done. Her posts remind me of the value of simplicity, the beauty in the smallest hand-wrought endeavor.

Sweet Leaf Notebook: I've just started following Michele's blog. She is doing some grand experimenting with fabric dyeing. Her enthusiasm is palpable and this particular journey is reminding me how much I enjoyed dyeing years ago, how addictive it is and how much there is to learn about it. Even though I once had a fabric dyeing enterprise with a friend and so you'd think I'd know what there is to know about dyeing, Michele, through her own quest for enlightenment, is enlightening me as well. I don't actually know if she has fewer than 200 followers, but I suspect not.

Felicity's Philosophies and Other Curiosities: I have "known" Felicity through the internet for many years now, initially through an on-line quilting group and then through her blog. Most of her blogging these days has to do with her sketches and drawings - an art form she feels more comfortable with than textiles. I have dabbled enough in sketching to appreciate and be so inspired by her work. I am lucky enough to own a Felicity color pencil drawing - a rendition of my long-time canine companion she graciously offered to do for me after said canine had passed on. She had only a photograph to work from, yet she captured my dear pet perfectly. Felicity always inspires me to work a little harder, which I'm sure will puzzle her. With her sketches she opens a different world to me.

Bonnie Griffith's Pastel Dust
: Compared to most of my blogger friends, Bonnie lives relatively close to me and I fell in love with her work long before she had a blog, before I actually met her and we became friends. I think it is so important that we textile people connect with artists working in the traditional art mediums, and Bonnie bears that theory out. She works in pastels, capturing the sweeping landscapes of Eastern Washington, adjacent Oregon and Montana to perfection. She's great fun, full of information and has been so supportive of my own artistic efforts. Besides loving her work, I find her energy and enthusiasm for making art a real inspiration that often prods me to get off my duff! Follow her blog and she will take you on a journey that will make you wonder how she has time for a day job.

So there are my chosen 5 but thanks to all of you who blog and provide me with inspiration. The world's a smaller place because of you and I'm the richer for having found you all.


  1. Thank you very much, Shelia. I am honored and pleased to have inspired you! You made my day!

  2. Thanks so much, Sheila. I'm honored and pleased, however, I was already awarded the Liebster and did a post a couple weeks back. Maybe I should put it in my sidebar? Everyone should have this award soon! That being said, I'll visit the blogs you suggest.
    best, nadia
