
Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Sorry to drop off the map like that. I meant to post about the opening reception of Art of the Needle, but got sidetracked by a flare-up of the tooth the dentist and I were only going to watch for 3 months. Couple that with the fact that I didn't get any good pictures of the reception and it just flew out of my mind. The smile on my face in the above photo should clue you to how it went. No sales, but I had such a good time talking with people about these two pieces and the exhibit in general. I was a bit nervous about "Shadow Grass", you may recall, especially since it ended up on the postcard and in the local newspaper advertising the show. Here's how I described the evening a few days later to another member of the visual arts committee:
The reception was fantastic, and I am riding on such a high still. It is such a boost to see people responding to my work and talking to me about it. Validation. Artists really must work in seclusion and seclusion can really skew your sense of whether you are doing anything good or just scratching a too personal itch. Some artists don't seem to care what anyone else thinks, are seemingly that secure in their process, but I can't help but let that slip in at some point and make me doubt myself. You know I was particularly uneasy about Shadow Grass, suddenly thrust into the limelight. Last night convinced me I worried needlessly....thank you and POAC for giving me the place I needed to grow artistically and engage with the public and other artists. Worth so much more than the membership fee that you ask. Gives me what I need to push ahead.

Here are a few more shots of the exhibit taken by POAC staff. The exhibit runs through June 15th and is definitely worth a look.  Two down, two to go... 

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