
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

River Reflections

A lot can change in 3 months. While I was off in Minnesota over the summer, the bypass built to divert traffic around Sandpoint opened and with it, a new bike path. That was part of the deal with the state transportation department I guess. The bypass threads between the lake and Sand Creek, and eliminated age-old cottonwoods along the creek bank. In recompense, a beautiful landscaped bike path was created, running several miles along the creek. Since I am no longer living right across from a bike path, I suspect I'll be spending time here - alternating with the paths along the lake at nearby city beach.

This is one of Sandpoint's famous landmarks - what once was a wooden covered bridge connecting one side of Sandpoint with the other, it now houses retail shops and eateries.

Unlike the waters of the lake, the creek is usually very calm and mirror-like, perfect for capturing reflections such as these supporting pilings for the bridge.

If straight, one can't tell where they meet the water. If angled, the reflection angles back, breaking the illusion. Only a tiny bit of distortion from the slow movement of the water.

A little more abstract, a little more distorted, here is part of the bridge reflected in the creek below.

Looking back toward the beginning of the bike path, I caught the reflection of the bridge which allows cars access to city beach. Somehow, the railing and lamposts in reflection reminded me of pictures I've seen of Paris.


  1. You have such an eye for pattern and texture! I saw something the other day-- a street light shining thru the railing on someone's front porch steps--The most interesting thing was the shadow on the steps. I didn't have my camera along (I wish I had!). It looked like a perfect companion piece to your river stripes! Once again--Great minds think alike! Welcome back!

  2. Oh, thank you Michele. Pattern and texture, it seems, have become my middle names! I love that I tend to see beyond the obvious image these days and it sounds like you do too. I know the pain of seeing something great like your shadows and have no way to record it. In those moments I try to burn the image in my brain. I believe it's all in there somewhere, even if we can't reproduce it perfectly later. All this inspirational input does come out in some form, effects our designing whether we think it does or not.

  3. You have such an eye for beauty in the simplest of places!
