
Saturday, March 02, 2013

Bubbling Along

"Art must be visceral enough to provoke an emotional response but durable in its commentary."
Laura Beach in "Related in spirit, Divided by Style" - The Magazine Antiques, May/June 2012
I've started the quilting on my bubble quilt, still unsure I can capture the emotional commentary that is my intention, but oh, my bubbles are sparkling now! That's Sulky Sliver opalescent stitched around each circle. It sparkles with changing colors like an opal and is one of my favorite metallic threads. 

I recently looked through some cds of art quilt exhibits from quite a few years ago. It always interests me to view some of these early efforts for two reasons: first and foremost, I note whether the designs look dated or have stood the test of time proving their "durability" and second, I check the names of the artists to see if they are still in the spotlight, still making art. The list of players has experienced a real turnover that I have not been able to keep up with, but there are still familiar names from ten to fifteen years ago still prominent in this movement. I think those that have succeeded the best, survived the years of fads, experimentation with technique and materials, and economic challenges are those whose art meets the criteria listed in the quotation above.

Oh, that I make even a few visceral yet durable art quilts before I die.

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