
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Another Close One

Here's that mystery quilt, blocks on point and simple borders added. I assembled it over the last few days, and in looking at the original pattern straight set vs my own on point set, I am so glad I took the extra time to work that out. The block is called Grandmother's Choice, but perhaps I should name the quilt Sheila's Choice! The blocks and setting squares/triangles went together without a hitch, but it took some figuring to work out the blue border with what little fabric I had left from the blocks. You can see how close I was to not having enough - those pieces to the right of the top are all that's left! I'm running just as close on the brown fabric which will be the binding. Final measurements today lead me to believe I will be piecing very short strips in between the longer selvage to selvage strips already cut if I'm to make it all the way around.

Back to the borders. Only one side of the blue border did not need two or more strips sewn together to be long enough. But since the fabric is both dark and patterned, it is hard to see the joins - I've added an arrow to point the way.  The outer border is pieced on the sides only and that join is more visible. However, this quilt will be given to charity for hard use so the seams are not as important as they would be on an heirloom or show quilt.

I've put this top away to be layered and quilted later because another quilt has leaped to the top of the priority list. More about it later, but here's a teaser.


  1. Hi Sheila!
    Thanks for posting, you inspire me a lot with all these quiltings!
    Thanks to PrairiePeasant and you I started to make some blankbooks with some trying patchwork in them.
    Thanks again and congratulations for all your effort and beautiful quilts.


  2. Boy that was cutting it close. Glad it worked out. I guess we have all had those close calls in terms of fabric.
