
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Oh, yeah...

Just looking at this told me using the sketched hand was going to work better

Even without lines or shading, these hands look much more like they are part of the release of bubbles, more like my vision. And they are slightly smaller than my other hand patterns - wondering if they could even be a bit smaller...

But you still haven't helped me with color! Over on Facebook I've gotten a suggestion of dark turquoise. It's so difficult looking at the white paper patterns and not be influenced by them. I don't think skin-tone is right and wondered if a more or less monochromatic palette might be the way to go. I've been seeing them as fairly light all along but perhaps they DO need to be a darker value. Argh still - need to take another look at the stash.


  1. I like the shape and size of these hands. A blue/blueish color would be great for them. The purple you have on this picture is too dark for them.

  2. Marjorie Horton9:40 AM

    It's interesting to watch your process as your piece develops. I wouldn't be much help because I like stylized patterns and representtive prints and color... I'd probably suggest a black and white checkered print, overdyed with who knows what color... There you have it... no help at all. But, I'll be coming back to see how you develop your design... may you find the perfect color combo!

  3. how about a orangey skin town? Opposite colors and all that...
