
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Can't Stop Thinking About This

I thought I knew exactly which quilt idea I'd be working on next, but apparently something else wants top priority right now. You no doubt remember that I worked up two different hand options for the last bubble prayers quilt. Knowing me and my inability to toss anything, I knew the unused set of hands would find another home eventually. In the process of auditioning and rejecting this pair of hands, they shuffled into a random arrangement that intrigued me and spoke of something having nothing to do with bubbles. I pinned them to my design wall so the idea wouldn't disappear on me and I could think about what to use as background.

My mind was off on a totally different tangent regarding that background when I came across this batik when straightening up the studio last week. It was one I'd considered and rejected for the original bubble prayers quilt. Now it seemed to be saying, I belong with those hands. Ok, I'll put you up there with them, and yes, I think I agree. But you'll have to wait until I make that next quilt using circles. (Yes, I talk to my fabric and quilts all the time.)

But seriously, why wait? The idea is so strong in my head, and I really can't stop thinking about working on it. I can still work with circles because I've also had it in my head that whatever background I chose, I wanted to try a new filler design I found on Diane Gaudynski's blog. I've already delayed experimenting with that one since March. Ok, it's called "Celtic Bubbles" so I guess those hands will have something to do with bubbles after all. I think it's time to heed the call of disparate parts coming together to create a beautiful whole.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheila!
    I am sure that when you finish your new "hands" quilt, it will be very beautitul.
    Thanks for sharing!
