
Friday, June 07, 2013

Preview of Progress

Dither dither stare stare stare. I finally decided I would not know which pair of hands to use nor which sheer for the second pair of hands would be best until I fused down the bubbles so I could see how they will actually read. Some bubbles will be behind the hands so the easiest plan of attack was to finalize the arrangement of what bubbles I had, fuse and quilt them. I'm adding little rays to some of them to mimic what I was seeing in my reference photo.

I experimented with layering an iridescent under the sheer to bring the bubbles to life but it didn't look right at all. However, now I am thinking a little dot fused to some and a little sliver fused on top of the ones with rays will add the sparkle my bubbles lack.

For awhile I thought the darker pair of hands would look best but once the stitching with the opalescent thread was done, I liked the light ones better. I'm taxing my camera again, apparently. The hands are not nearly as white as this picture would lead you to believe. The second pair of hands are the blue silk organza fused on with Misty Fuse. Yes, I finally found a situation where it works better than my favorite Steam-a-Seam lite. Once these are quilted and the main pair of hands stitched into place, more bubbles will be added on top of them.


  1. This is looking really good. All your dithering is paying off.

  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    The hand shadow is particularly beautiful Sheila.

    Susan S
