
Monday, July 22, 2013

Old and New

In what sometimes feels like another life, this was the sort of quilt I was focused on making - traditional designs using reproduction fabrics. I still love the look of these, love pulling one over me in the evenings, still have yards of reproduction fabric if I ever get the yen to make more. They are generally less stressful for me to work on so I keep the fabric and the design ideas in case I want a break...or need a gift...or even let my art quilting take a turn to include a bit of them. This is the one I mentioned needed broken quilting stitches mended and it is now all better.

So with that out of the way, I ponder what to work on this week, as I do seem to want to start on something new - a beading project or another "Rochester" inspired design. But dang...last week this thing popped into my head during yoga class, a simple idea that could have so many variations to it. "Go away!" I want to tell it. "I have two good ideas already in the queue..." And the more I look at it, the more I recognize its links to my traditional quilting roots. Well, we'll see who wins. 


  1. Oh I hear ya girlfriend....soooo many ideas....soooo little time!! I await the result of the battle!

  2. I think "who wins?" is the wrong question -- or maybe the answer is "yes." No such thing as too many ideas -- it's what keeps us going:-)

  3. Well, yes, June, we need those ideas, but there are times there are so many that they overwhelm me and like an unruly class of grade schoolers, they refuse to line up so I can get anything done. Someone always jostling to get farther up in the line, acting out to get attention. And sometimes it works! Yes, I do usually have more than one thing going at a time, but there's a limit! ;-) But actually, nothing in the works this week so time to pick and choose to get things rolling again. You're certainly rolling again which is good to see.
