
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

A ZIA for you

I spent some time quilting on the half square triangle quilt this afternoon, but it was not easy to pull myself away from my back deck where I had enjoyed my lunch and a little reading. So I extended my time outdoors by working on a page in my button booklet before heading in to quilt. I'm trying out a new tangle called "weben" or "weave" in English. Thinking it would make a good background behind these rectangular designs.

You may recall that I got out my stamps and added designs to each page of the booklet in preparation for drawing some Zentangles® around them. Technically that makes these Zentangle Inspired Art or ZIA's. Here's what I started with - designs from my Celtic stamp collection.

Here's the end result. I'm always timid when I get to the shading part (done in pencil) but it is the shading that brings Zentangles alive. I went over the shading 4 times before it felt dark enough, could perhaps have shaded even more. But I like this and think "weben" is a tangle I will use again.