
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

What to do...

I stand in my studio and don't know what to do. I so want to be in here doing something today, now that the fabric dyeing is over with, now that many of the must attend to things that have pulled me away are taken care of, now that I'm feeling like I have the oomph and clarity of mind to get something done. And yet, I don't know what to do. Last week I tried to move forward on an idea using up more odds and ends from Judi's African Quilt, but mind's eye and reality failed to match up. Perhaps I could try coming at it from a different direction today.

Or I could get back to quilting the half-square triangle quilt. I'm thinking I only have about 3 or so hours of diagonal stitching left before I can tackle the borders. Somehow, that seems too stationary of a task - I've been doing so much sitting lately.

I could work with my new shibori fabric. On my walks, my thoughts have wandered there, making inroads into ways of bringing out the illusion of rippling water, then leaping to how it might work in a design idea about intertwined. Yesterday brought another thought to build on that idea, floating an image printed on organza over the ripples. I've never printed on organza - this could be exciting...or totally frustrating. Maybe better to work with the marbled fabric, a sliver of which can be seen on the left. I have beads and a design from my sketchbook set out, waiting for me to take the first step on that.

Or, I could tidy up a bit, clear the end of my work table to make way for these other things I could do. That wouldn't take long...

...some of it actually belongs in the bookcase. I could finish bring up books from the garage, arranging the titles for ease of putting my finger on just the reference I need, maybe even culling a few more titles as the shelves get too tightly packed. Yes, that's the easy way out but something that needs to get done. Maybe it will clear my head to better sense what to do next.


  1. When I'm in a creative slump....(or just plain lazy)....I figure I have two choices.....scrub the toilets OR have a glass of wine!!! Guess what I choose?

  2. Hi Sheila, thanks for posting!
    As a librarian I would tell you that arranging your books would be a marvelous idea! It always works with me.

  3. Hi, Sheila. You made me chuckle. In such cases, I usually start cleaning my work room and after a short time I've got the motivation to get to working on something interesting...because who can bear cleaning all day? Similar to Mary scrubbing toilets...
    best, nadia
