
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Greetings

To my chagrine, I have no Easter or spring flowers greeting me this morning, save the little pansy set a bought more than a week ago and have yet to transfer to a pot. It doesn't seem to mind much though, as it waits on my deck and blooms away anyway. There's not even sun today, although the weather lady said there would be. Well, maybe for her neck of the woods south of here, but so far, my little corner of northern Idaho is quite overcast, cool and threatening rain. It could be worse; I remember many Easters with snow still on the ground, and even a few with it flying through the air!

Yesterday afternoon I made a batch of walnut sticky buns for my breakfast this morning. While the dough raised and then the butter/cinnamon/sugar/walnut-filled buns baked, I made a shallow bowl from the leftovers of the coiled fabric basket I made here. I'd checked to see how far the clothesline would go and could see it was enough for the same size base and a few rounds up the side. I think I only had three strips of the light fabric but quite a bit of the orange/brown left. I crossed my fingers that it would be enough.

I'd noticed when I made the first basket that if I stopped after those first three rounds that started the side of it, this would make a nice little lipped plate. This is what I was going for with my leftovers. That orange/brown fabric ran out short of the last two rounds. Quick! Search for something similar in the stash to finish it off - and here was this 3 or 4 inch strip of dark brown fabric with a tiny orange pattern in it saying, "What else would I be good for - strip me!" I actually went up an extra round to have a full two lines of it along the rim, so my lipped plate is more of a shallow bowl about an inch deep and 5-1/2 inch wide.

I had a plan for this one. If I drive, I come in and out of the house through the kitchen door that leads to the garage, so I have a place to hang car keys and dump my purse near there. But when I take my walks, I leave by the front door which is also where the stairs leading to the second floor are. I sit on those stairs to change into walking shoes, and toss my phone and house keys on the stairs when I get back. Wouldn't it be nicer to corral them in a bowl like this, which can sit on a trunk just past the stairs? Yes it would.

Easter in America - Sheila Mahanke Barnes ©2006

So with that out of the way, I can put away the mess from that project, freeing up some work space on the table. I found some beads to add to Reverberations so could use a little more room in which to sit and stitch - maybe this afternoon. I'll work a little on my Positively Creative Art Journaling spread, having had time to figure out how I want to answer the next prompt. And later, I'll be whipping up a lamb dish for dinner, one I haven't fixed for awhile. All in all, a restful and reflective day. Wishing you the same on this Easter Sunday. And as much chocolate as you desire!


  1. No chocolate, but I made a lamb dish too.
    I love your little coiled container - it is so satisfying to have a place for everything, and everything in its place.
    Happy Easter to you too.

  2. Lovely little basket. Sounds like it was a delightful day. Have a great week!

  3. Hi Sheila, thanks for sharing your Easter Sunday. I am glad that you keep yourself always productive. By the way, thanks for your Picture of the pansie that opens this post.
    A great week!
