
Thursday, May 01, 2014

BongoBrew Hut

At long last the weather is warming - we may see near 80 degrees before another front comes through this weekend cooling things down. It's very nice to step out the door without a coat, to take my daily walk without bracing against a brisk wind. I've been thinking about this little coffee stand along my normal route, that there's a good place for me to step off the sidewalk to sketch it. And so on this beautiful day, that's just what I did. I used a drawing pen similar to a Micron Pigma pen, again feeling an ease in getting with it I don't feel when using pencil. Once home, I added some color with Prismacolor pencils.

Here's a picture of The BongoBrew Hut that I took last fall, that same day I was taking picture of the stand of trees running off to the right of the hut that had turned a brilliant yellow. I remember thinking that from this angle you'd never know there was another business tucked in behind it, or a main street running by on the left. I thought it might make a fun subject for an art quilt. I still do.


  1. I think this would make a great art quilt. How wonderful that you were able to get out and sketch. We were warm yesterday, but I still don't feel that great. This is one of those colds that goes on for a few weeks.

  2. Hi Sheila, thanks for your update!
    I hope BongoBrew be a good and cozy place, that have generous people who servers tasteful beverages and food.
    I agree with you, it could be a lovely theme for a quilt someday.
    Thanks again!
